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Distance Healing

Distance healing is available for those who cannot attend the clinic for what ever reason. I offer Reiki, Sound Healing and Blocked emotion code work. You can read about all these on my other pages.


In the field of energy work, distance and time have no meaning. I can tune in with you anywhere in the world. All I need is your name, your address and the intent to facilitate energy healing.  Think about spirit being everywhere and all there is. We are all connected in spirit and we are all part of the energy soup that is manifested as being.


Sound frequency is carried on the waves the same way as Reiki energy. I can use tuning forks and Mongolian over-toning. We don't hear the sound but we feel the energy and the effects of that energy.


We can meet on Zoom though my computer. Discuss what it is you feel you need. If you contact me on my contact page, I will send you a link for a zoom meeting at a time to suit both of us. 

Or you can call me. I'm in the United Kingdom. I will take calls from 10 am to 8 pm Tuesday to Saturday,  UK time.


Blocked Emotion codes I will do face to face with you on Zoom. You will need a magnet. A fridge magnet is fine. I will talk you through the process and we will do it together.


Payment is either direct debit into my account or using PayPal. The price is £60 for an hour in advance. 




Sara E writes:  Thank you. That was a deep and active sleep. I felt heat and light. I felt sharp twinges now and then. Some tummy gurgling. I woke just after 3.


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