Soma Energetics Vitality Technique
Phase one.
Learn to open and energize the chakra system.
Build and energize the central energy column called the Sushumna
Build and energize the the negative and positive energy paths called the Ida and Pingala.
Stimulate the Heart meridian known as the Governing Vessel
Stimulate the Perineum meridian
Hands-on Experience with the Energy Vitality Technique
Color Solfeggio Tuning Forks – a SomaEnergetics Exclusive
12 Hours of Training, PowerPoint & 60+ Page Manual
Workshop Costs: Course Fee: includes Course Material and the Energy Tuner Kit
Technical Course Description:
The student will learn what the Solfeggio frequencies are & the theoretical relevance of Pythagorean numerical reduction to the Solfeggio frequencies. Through direct experience and group exercise, the student will learn what frequency attunement is & explore techniques of ear reception, point stimulation and learn the energy vitality technique: a complete set of protocols for using the forks in any client-centred setting. This course will include a review of empirical research detailing the relationship between these therapies, sound and matter, and client health and/or therapeutic goals. Those taking this course will be able to discuss the relevance of Cymatics, the contemporary study of wave phenomena and vibration engineered by Hans Jenny, to frequency attunement, in particular, and Soma Energetics, more broadly.
Lecture material includes a review of the human energetic profile and learning how each Solfeggio frequency is associated with a particular energy centre. In addition to lecture, this 12 hour course provides an instructor-supervised practicum opportunity for hands-on training, to enable each student to practice and demonstrate proficiency with the energy vitality technique protocols. Successful completion of course requirements includes attendance of all 12 hours of course instruction and submission of a completed course evaluation form. Students participating in this course will be able to use these protocols immediately within their massage or bodywork practice, or as a stand-alone set of therapeutic protocols. Course includes a 60+ page manual.
Course Objectives:
Participant will understand the method of Pythagorean numerical reduction.
Participant will be able state the definition of frequency atunement.
Participant will be able to list each chakra, its bodily location and its correlated Solfeggio Frequency.
Participant will be able to discuss the relevance of Cymatics to frequency atunement.
Participant will be able to perform the energy vitality technique to stimulate the human etheric body for the health and therapeutic goals of the client.
Integration Benefits
Benefits of the Incorporating Phase 1 Technique in your Natural Therapies Practice:
Effortlessly integrate sound with Reiki, massage, hypnosis, etc.
Enhance the effectiveness of other healing modalities
Use as a stand-alone healing modality with superior effectiveness and client results
Increases uniqueness in your field
Helps raise your personal vibrational levels
Helps healing in your own etheric field
Helps create a sacred space
Supports energetic hygiene
Helps balance your inner vortex
Releases unseen blocks in the body
Heightens intuitive awareness and psychic abilities
Experience minimal to no strain on the physical body
Easy to learn with effective results
Creates a nice sound bath
Attunes you to go beyond the physical and energetic limitations of other modalities
Helps you work as a shepherd for transformation
Offers a unique method for targeted healing work
Optimizes wholeness on the physical, emotional and spiritual plains
Assists you in working with ease and grace
Effortlessly tap into higher realms of consciousness
Phase Two information is available on request-
techniques to open the 3rd eye
techniques to open the heart
acupressure using tuning forks
a short sound massage using Solfeggio tuning forks
Aura scan and affirmations using Solfeggio tuning forks
On completion of Phase two, a small online exam and 10 client forms being submitted, the student can then complete the Online Correspondence course with Www.shpli.org, consisting of,
Professional Practices
Professional Ethics
Informed consent forms
The Student then becomes a Certified Soma Energetics Sound Therapist. This is an international accredited Certification. You will be listed internationally on the Soma Energetics Website.